Amazon Get Orders

Download orders from Amazon and save them in a local company database or update existing information, with this specialized application.

  • Amazon Get Orders
  • Version :
  • License :Trial
  • OS :Windows All
  • Publisher :Dataodyssey

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Amazon Get Orders Description

Amazon Get Orders is a software solution designed to help companies download information about Amazon orders and save this data in a local database. It supports the mapping of order elements to table columns and allows the use of expressions and scripts.

Powerful tool that consists of two components

The main module is used to create a configuration file that can then be saved separately and run with the included command-line utility. Naturally, the file can also be opened and edited again later.

The command-line program supports a fairly simple set of parameters that are listed in the online documentation. Essentially, you need to provide the name of the configuration file and the query interval, as well as specify whether “updated” or “created” dates should be taken into consideration.

Create a configuration file to download Amazon order data

After launching the main application, you need to provide your Marketplace ID, merchant ID, access key and secret key, as well as select the correct service country.

Next, you have to establish a connection to the database you wish to use. Amazon Get Orders supports Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, MS Access and Firebird/Interbase.

Finally, the application requires you to define the data columns that should be exported and which details should be included in each one. Once this step is completed, you can make an order request to check your configuration.

Features a minimalistic interface and offers adequate documentation

Appearance-wise, Amazon Get Orders is not likely to draw too much attention, as it looks quite outdated, but the interface has a simple enough layout.

Although no documentation is available locally, a fairly detailed user manual is provided on the product’s homepage.

All in all, Amazon Get Orders is a helpful software utility that enables you to download order information and save it to a local database. It is not particularly novice-friendly, and it features a somewhat outdated UI, but it offers detailed documentation.

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